Help for Calorie Restrictors who Need to GAIN Weight

Many people who start calorie restriction do not need to lose one pound. In fact, many need to gain weight. Calorie Restriction is not about weight loss (though it often happens) or gain. It is about activating longevity signaling in cells, as we have often discussed.

One problem in putting this into practice is getting access to reliable estimates of how many calories one burns through exercise. Take a look at this summary of mine, generated by the CR Way 4 Longer Life Software. As you will see, I had had 984 calories for breakfast so far. Those calories were extremely filling, because they included 45 g. of fiber. That is three times that of a standard western diet for the whole day.
Comprehensive Report- Breakfast Calories and Exercise
Look at the exercise calories burned: 276. To reach my goal of 1850 net calorie intake for the day, I need to eat 1142 calories more just to maintain my weight.

People need this kind of information to maintain, gain, or lose weight healthfully. This is why the CR Way 4 Longer Life  Software  is included in most LivingTheCRWay  memberships. The exception membership is the Longevity Level. We decided to keep one level at the lowest possible price, so that joining would be easier for anybody, regardless of budget.

Tracking your diet is not necessary every day, but what you learn from tracking at least some of the time is really valuable.

If you want more info, here’s a more detailed description of the CR Way 4 Longer Life Software.

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