Tag Archives: fermented foods

The Microbiome – A Focus of Calorie Restriction the CR Way

The human microbiome is the collection of microbes – bacteria, viruses, and single-cell eukaryotes (organisms whose cells possess a membrane-bound nucleus that contains the genetic material) – that inhabits the human body. Microbes in a healthy human adult are estimated to outnumber human cells by a ratio of ten to one. And the total number… read more

Important considerations for improving your gut microbiome

Last night’s teleconference on the importance to your heart health of a healthful gut lining proved to be important on many levels. Hearing the input of LivingTheCRWay members as they aired their brilliant insights for improving gut health was very exciting. We’re glad we belong to this community! For instance, we discussed the beneficial probiotic… read more

A Healthful Gut Lining Protects your Heart

Several months ago – a seemingly healthy calorie restrictor, who was full of life and energy, died of a heart attack. Her medical history indicated that she had an appendectomy a few years earlier, followed by severe gut dysbiosis (an imbalance in the intestinal bacteria that precipitates changes in the normal activities of the gastrointestinal… read more

Real Pickles Sets the Standard for Fermented Foods

LivingTheCRWay loves to feature extraordinary achievers on its Expert Teleconferences for members. One such person is Dr. Jenifer Fenton whose perceptive research on fish oil changed the way many of us think about it. She changed our thinking about gut health too. In response to a member’s questions about probiotics and their effect on the… read more

The all powerful gut microbiome

Perhaps you have noticed many posts in the forums on LivingTheCRWay.com (become a free Healthy Start member to access the forums)  about how the health of the gut microbiome affects other aspects of health. Its influence is profound. As you probably read, most systems seem to be affected. The gut microbiome may be a root… read more

Fermented Foods and Calorie Restriction – for Better or for Worse?

To understand better the body microbiome and how to optimize it, recent CR Way expert teleconferences have included discussions about increasing the ratio of good to bad bacteria in the gut. Expert guests Drs. Jenifer Fenton and Rob Knight recommended fermented food over probiotics to improve the gut microbiome. They both make the point that… read more