Tag Archives: brain booster

Glucose Control for Longer Life and Prevention and Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes

Glucose management is important for many aspects of health. For those hoping to increase healthspan by following a low calorie diet, keeping glucose at healthful low levels is essential. Low blood glucose levels  activate longevity genes. For the 20 million with diabetes and 70 million with prediabetes in the U.S. and the millions more worldwide,… read more

Getting your Brain Ready for Peak Performance

One of the things I do to keep my brain sharp for science is to play chess online. But with all the new research projects at LivingTheCRWay, I had not had the time to play for two months. Finally, this past Sunday I felt that I could take an hour out to play a game… read more

Try Ketogenesis the CR Way

The LivingtheCRWay ketogenesis teleconference with Dave Brauer and Dr. Tom Seyfried is next Saturday at 5 pm (ET). Mark your calendars: This extraordinary opportunity may well be life-saving or at least life-changing. All contributing members are invited to participate. Dave is a highly intelligent, diligent member of LivingTheCRWay and a friend for many years. He… read more

Cognitive Aging Expert, Dr. Timothy Salthouse, to Appear on LivingTheCRWay Teleconference

At long last, we have been able to schedule a Brain Booster teleconference date for Dr. Timothy Salthouse, leading expert on the decline with age of cognitive capabilities: Saturday, March 8, 4:00 pm (ET). Most people think cognitive decline begins in the 50s, 60s, or beyond – but that’s just when it becomes noticeable. According… read more

The CR Way Gourmet Meals Helping People enjoy Calorie Restriction Diets during the Holidays

 Diet-friendly Thanksgiving recipes include sweet potato medallions, other deliciously healthy dishes  If living in good health for as long as possible is important to you, then LivingTheCRWay has delicious recipes that belong on your holiday table. These are not pseudo-healthy concoctions that send blood sugar soaring. This is cutting-edge science, delivered in gourmet fashion. The… read more

Improve Cognition with Calorie Restriction and Blood Sugar Management

As people age, they often experience memory loss, reduced concentration, and other cognitive problems. Diet and lifestyle, though, can improve cognitive performance and reverse some aspects of brain aging. Consider the world chess champion – chess genius, Viswanathan Anand, who in November will defend, his title against the highest rated player in chess history, Magnus… read more

Tracking Diet Improves your Life!

LivingTheCRWay members who use the dietary software, often report significant improvements in their health and quality of life. Most people only guess about how much protein, fat, and carbohydrate they eat or – more important – how vital markers of health and longevity — blood pressure. Insulin, high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, etc. – are affected… read more

Brain Training Combined with Daily Intermittent Fasting Improves Cognition

Known for giving very sharp, lucid interviews, the late Walter Breuning at 114 was the oldest man in the world. He followed a Daily Intermittent Fasting plan, eating a large breakfast, smaller lunch and then fasting until the next morning. His eating plan resonates with Brain Booster members of LivingTheCRWay.com, who find that some time… read more

Making Memories: Calorie Restriction the CR Way can help

We all have things we want to remember. And whole industries have developed around helping you have experiences worth remembering. Our brains know how to form the required neural networks. And we can help them — like gardeners helps their plants grow. Let’s say you wanted to plant a flower. You would choose the very… read more