Emotions, DNA and Miraculous Healing

Calorie Restriction increases DNA methylation [the modification of a strand of DNA, in which a methyl (CH3) group is added to particular molecules: since methylation of these molecules in particular regions of a gene can cause that gene’s suppression, DNA methylation is one of the methods used to regulate the expression of genes] These are genes we don’t want to be turned on – including some which may cause cancer. Understanding more about DNA methylation and how it is influenced by emotions led us to explore the influence of methylation and faith healing. Consider this PBS special by Bill Moyers:


Explaining the effects of Qigong healing seemed difficult.

Yet, we now know that emotional, and perhaps cultural, experiences, may affect DNA methylation patterns. Given that DNA methylation influences both disease and rate of aging, it may in turn cause “miraculous” healing. This provides a plausible explanation for healing mysteries like Bill Moyers’ special describes.

As it turns out, studies have looked at this:

Temporal stability of epigenetic markers: sequence characteristics and predictors of short-term DNA methylation variations.

Author: Byun HM, Nordio F, Coull BA, Tarantini L, Hou L, Bonzini M, Apostoli P, Bertazzi PA, Baccarelli A.

PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e39220.  doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039220. Epub 2012 Jun 20.

BACKGROUND:  DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that has been increasingly investigated in observational human studies, particularly on blood leukocyte DNA. Characterizing the degree and determinants of DNA methylation stability can provide critical information for the design and conduction of human epigenetic studies.

METHODS:  We measured DNA methylation in 12 gene-promoter regions (APC, p16, p53, RASSF1A, CDH13, eNOS, ET-1, IFNγ, IL-6, TNFα, iNOS, and hTERT) and 2 of non-long terminal repeat elements, i.e., L1 and Alu in blood samples obtained from 63 healthy individuals at baseline (Day 1) and after three days (Day 4). DNA methylation was measured by bisulfite-PCR-Pyrosequencing. We calculated intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) to measure the within-individual stability of DNA methylation between Day 1 and 4, subtracted of pyrosequencing error and adjusted for multiple covariates.

RESULTS:  Methylation markers showed different temporal behaviors ranging from high (IL-6 , ICC=0.89) to low stability (APC, ICC=0.08) between Day 1 and 4. Multiple sequence and marker characteristics were associated with the degree of variation. Density of CpG dinucleotides nearby the sequence analyzed (measured as CpG(o/e) or G+C content within ±200 bp) was positively associated with DNA methylation stability. The 3′ proximity to repeat elements and range of DNA methylation on Day 1 were also positively associated with methylation stability. An inverted U-shaped correlation was observed between mean DNA methylation on Day 1 and stability.

CONCLUSIONS:  The degree of short-term DNA methylation stability is marker-dependent and associated with sequence characteristics and methylation levels.

PMID: 22745719 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC3379987

Methylation’s stabilizing effect on the IL6 gene-promoter region was greatly affected by Qigong. This is important because this region is associated with increased disease risk and inflammation.


For more see:

How Emotions Affect your DNA

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