Tag Archives: DNA methylation

CR Way DNA HACR, a Longevity Study

LivingTheCRWay.com Announces:  CR Way  DNA, Healthy Aging & Cell-signaling Reception (CR Way DNA HACR) CR Way DNA HACR is a global longitudinal study.  All full LivingTheCRWay members have the  opportunity to participate. Intended to run in perpetuity, CR Way DNA HACR allows you to analyze aspects of health that affect aging and disease risk. Participants… read more

Emotions, DNA and Miraculous Healing

Calorie Restriction increases DNA methylation [the modification of a strand of DNA, in which a methyl (CH3) group is added to particular molecules: since methylation of these molecules in particular regions of a gene can cause that gene’s suppression, DNA methylation is one of the methods used to regulate the expression of genes] These are… read more