Is Time Running Out? Or is Life just Beginning?

canstockphoto9442367Twenty years ago, speculation was rampant on why calorie restriction slows aging – oxidative stress, fewer advanced glycation end products (AGE), downregulation of the insulin/IGF-1 pathway, many theories were proposed.  These days, the focus is on preserving adult stem cells and maintaining DNA stability.

Certainly, many other factors contribute to the life extension benefits of calorie restriction. But the simple fact is that by limiting calories, the CR Way, it is likely that the pool of adult stem cells is more slowly depleted.

We are seeing this anecdotally by noticing that lifelong calorie restrictors are extending their lives by about 15% – 20%. But what happens when the stem cell pool are finally used up?

The popular phrase, the end is nigh, is a good description.  Consider our mentor, Ralph, one of the world’s most successful calorie restrictors, who happily followed a low calorie diet for more than 50 years. He thrived, living longer than his two brothers who died in their 80s and sister who died in their 90s and remained healthy until his 104 birthday.  Then something changed: His kidneys and heart stopped functioning properly and within a few days, he died. Was his pool of stem cells was all used up?

Doctors and loved ones shrug their shoulders in these situations, and say, he had a nice, long life. But so far, that’s all they can do.

LivingTheCRWay believes that stem cell replacement can change this tragic end of life scenario. So we have invited NeoStem, one of the world’s leading stem cell replacement companies, to join our members for an exploratory teleconference. We want to find out how we can work with this cutting-edge company to healthfully replace stem cells when needed. This will be the focus of the upcoming teleconference, where we will be joined by Stem Cell Experts from NeoStem, one of wall streets most celebrated cell therapeutics companies, who will present to LivingTheCRWay members.

For more see:

Stem Cell Replacement is in your Future

Calorie Restriction the CR Way, is a Stem Cell Diet

Calorie Restriction makes Stem Cell repair more Effective

Slowing Growth – Slowing Aging

New Test for Optimal Health and Rate of Aging

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