Tag Archives: AGE

Enjoying Quinoa’s Natural Flavor and Texture

  We recently wrote about the importance of minimizing Advanced Glycation End products (AGE) in the diet. AGE is biological garbage that increases disease and hastens mortality. So it’s too bad when recipes that inherently healthy foods turn them into AGE-filled goo. But that’s what a recent New York Times article recommended: cooking quinoa until… read more

Advanced Glycation Endproduct Expert, Dr. Jaime Uribarri, to appear on Teleconference

AGE, Advanced Glycation Endproducts, are important to anyone who wants to slow aging. Research indicates that as we get older, AGE accumulates in our skin and other organs like the kidneys and heart. AGE predicts kidney failure and risk of a heart attack. So we have spent years studying how to reduce AGE in the… read more

Is Time Running Out? Or is Life just Beginning?

Twenty years ago, speculation was rampant on why calorie restriction slows aging – oxidative stress, fewer advanced glycation end products (AGE), downregulation of the insulin/IGF-1 pathway, many theories were proposed.  These days, the focus is on preserving adult stem cells and maintaining DNA stability. Certainly, many other factors contribute to the life extension benefits of… read more

Analyzing your Urine may Save your Kidneys

  Meal Analysis Food Grams Almond 50 Barley, pearled, cooked 250 Beet, boiled 80 Black bean, boiled, no added salt 85 Blueberry, raw 110 Broccoli, boiled, no salt 80 Cardamom, ground 1 Cauliflower, boiled, no salt 80 Lemon juice, raw 95 Spinach, boiled, no salt 100 Sweet potato, baked, no salt 175 Walnut, English, dried,… read more