Kidney Stone Prevention with CR Way 4 Longer Life Software

CR Way Kidney Stone PreventionGuesswork Removed from Kidney-Stone Prevention!

Each year, more than half a million Americans go to emergency rooms for kidney stone problems – according to the National Kidney Foundation. Fifty percent of them will develop recurring stones*, even though their doctors or other healthcare practitioners will try to help prevent recurrence. The difficulty is that patients and their doctors cannot easily obtain reliable analyses of all the dietary content that contributes to stone formation. Nor is it easy to for patients to track their dietary intake. The CR Way 4 Longer Life Software changes that: It makes evaluation of dietary intake and lifestyle factors that increase the risk of kidney stones easier.

Patients record their food intake by choosing from a database that includes oxalate, sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and other dietary content that can contribute to stone formation. Once patients enter their day’s intake into the Food Log, they can easily generate a Kidney-Stone Risk Profile.

This allows the physician to suggest appropriate dietary changes for the type of stone a patient has or has had – calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate), or uric acid.  For patients with the most common kidney stones, calcium oxalate, the software includes files that list foods with low, medium, high, and very high oxalate content.

The software also generates a report on Potential Renal Acid Load, a measure of the acidity of food intake and a likely risk factor for uric acid stone formation.

The software includes a Kidney-Stone 24-hour Urine Profile, which doctors often order to evaluate how dietary intake affects kidney stone risk, as well as general health. Patients enter their results into the Profile Tracker, so they can see the progress they make over time from diet and lifestyle changes.

Making Weight Loss Easier

Given that obesity is a significant risk factor for stone formation, the software’s unique capabilities make it easier for patients who need to lose weight to achieve their weight-loss goals.

Patients begin by entering a few vital stats – including their current weight and goal weight – in their profile. After reading a message about the safety of losing weight slowly, they enter the number of pounds they want to lose per week. The software calculates the number of weeks to goal and the daily calorie intake needed to achieve it. Later messages indicate progress toward the goal. The software can even put a progress chart on its opening page.

Diabetes, Glucose Control, and Stones

Diabetes is often coincident with kidney stone formation. Diabetes patients and others gain valuable insights into glucose control by entering their blood glucose readings into the software’s glucose-tracking system. It correlates carbohydrate intake and exercise to circulating glucose levels, so users see how their diet and exercise affect their blood glucose levels. Moreover, glucose control is also important in preventing diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, heart, and kidney disease.

Developed in partnership with NutriBase, the CR Way 4 Longer Life Software is sold by as part of its Kidney Stone Prevention Program. The Program includes a Kidney Stone To-Do Listtm for cell phone users on the go, as well as live teleconferences, proven to increase the likelihood that patients achieve their goals.**

The software is included as a membership benefit for Optimal Health, Brain Booster, Healthful Weight Loss, and Diabetes Intervention members of The CR Way 4 Longer Life Edition Software may also be purchased separately.

LivingTheCRWay Software and membership sales support DNA, Healthy Aging, and Calorie Restriction, DNA HACR, a citizen science study, launched in partnership with the CR Society International.Org.


LivingTheCRWay makes it easy to put science into practice for more years of great health. Departing from dehumanized electronic communications – LivingTheCRWay is a friendly, holistic online community. Members enjoy delicious, healthful lifestyles that include live, supportive teleconferences that include leaders in the world of science and health.


*  Uribarri J, Oh MS, Carroll HJ. The first kidney stone. Ann Intern Med. 1989;111:1006–9.

**Comparative Effectiveness of Weight-Loss Interventions in Clinical Practice.

Appel LJ, Clark JM, Yeh HC, Wang NY, Coughlin JW, et al

New England Journal of Medicine. 2011 Nov 24;365(21):1959-68. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1108660. Epub 2011 Nov 15.


Contact:               Paul McGlothin                                  914-762-8878

Meredith Averill                                    877-481-4841


Twitter:   Living the CR Way@pmcglothin



Also see: Tracking Diet Improves your Life



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