Tag Archives: DNA HACR

Stem Cell and Telomere Experts to Speak with LivingTheCRWay Members

Maintaining a healthy pool of adult stem cells to repair tissues is a major focus for LivingTheCRWay.com. members. “We wish to extend healthspan for as long as possible,” said Paul McGlothin, President of LivingTheCRWay.com. The CR Waytm approach to healthful aging – holistic calorie restriction, optimizing the body’s microbiomes and increasing telomere length – contributes… read more

Improve Cognition with Calorie Restriction and Blood Sugar Management

As people age, they often experience memory loss, reduced concentration, and other cognitive problems. Diet and lifestyle, though, can improve cognitive performance and reverse some aspects of brain aging. Consider the world chess champion – chess genius, Viswanathan Anand, who in November will defend, his title against the highest rated player in chess history, Magnus… read more

Stem Cells are in your Future

Sometime in the not-too-distant future, you are likely to  benefit from stem cell replacement. More than 1000 research projects worldwide are focused on stem cells, and the list grows daily. Consider Osiris for example. This company has a stem cell product, Grafix, that improves wound healing. Osiris stock soared when clinical trials showed that Grafix… read more

Important considerations for improving your gut microbiome

Last night’s teleconference on the importance to your heart health of a healthful gut lining proved to be important on many levels. Hearing the input of LivingTheCRWay members as they aired their brilliant insights for improving gut health was very exciting. We’re glad we belong to this community! For instance, we discussed the beneficial probiotic… read more

Kidney Stone Prevention with CR Way 4 Longer Life Software

Guesswork Removed from Kidney-Stone Prevention! Each year, more than half a million Americans go to emergency rooms for kidney stone problems – according to the National Kidney Foundation. Fifty percent of them will develop recurring stones*, even though their doctors or other healthcare practitioners will try to help prevent recurrence. The difficulty is that patients… read more

Tracking Diet Improves your Life!

LivingTheCRWay members who use the dietary software, often report significant improvements in their health and quality of life. Most people only guess about how much protein, fat, and carbohydrate they eat or – more important – how vital markers of health and longevity — blood pressure. Insulin, high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, etc. – are affected… read more

CR Way Produces Younger Genetic Profile

For the first time in history we have confirmation that long-term serious calorie restriction slows aging at the cellular level in human beings. Dr. Luigi Fontana’s marvelous new paper:  Calorie Restriction in Humans Inhibits the PI3K/AKT Pathway and Induces a Younger Transcription Profile. You can read the full paper on the latest blog on livingthecrway.com.… read more

Extraordinary teleconference with Dr. Michael Rosen

Dr. Michael Rosen, director of the Kidney Stone Center at the Mount Kisco Medical Group, was the featured expert for a wonderfully enriching teleconference yesterday. He discussed many important topics: Analyzing urine – what can be learned from a 24- hour urine profile Kidney health The kidneys’ relationship to the heart Kidneys and aging The… read more

Brain Training Combined with Daily Intermittent Fasting Improves Cognition

Known for giving very sharp, lucid interviews, the late Walter Breuning at 114 was the oldest man in the world. He followed a Daily Intermittent Fasting plan, eating a large breakfast, smaller lunch and then fasting until the next morning. His eating plan resonates with Brain Booster members of LivingTheCRWay.com, who find that some time… read more

Calorie Restriction Mimetics – Slowing Aging by Taking a Pill

What if you could get calorie restriction benefits just by taking a pill that mimics effects and produces CR benefits? Often referred to as calorie restriction mimetics, these substances have been the subject of intense investigation – and with good reason: Some who find it hard to limit their calorie intake could improve their health… read more