Should Calorie-Restricted Women take Estrogen?


We are always on the lookout for information that our members need. Our female members often ask whether they should take estrogen as they approach menopause. They are wondering about 17 beta-estradiol because  estrogen really refers to three hormones and 17 beta-estradiol is the main estrogenic hormone produced from puberty to menopause except during pregnancy. Estrone is the fat-produced hormone that remains after menopause. Estriol  is  the estrogen hormone that is produced in measurable amounts only during pregnancy.

At the recent CR Society Conference, we had the opportunity to pose the estrogen-replacement question to Dr. Roz Anderson, the brilliant calorie restriction scientist who works with non-human primates at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Anderson’s perspective is important because she understands the longevity pathways that are activated by a CR lifestyle. With the disclaimer that she is not a doctor and does not offer personal medical advice, she offered her ideas on the subject, suggesting that estrogen and calorie restriction are unlikely to mix well. She noted that estrogen was really meant for those who are having a difficult transition into menopause and it was not intended to be used for the long term.

Calorie restriction down-regulates cellular pathways that drive anabolic (growth and building) activities. This includes the body’s production of testosterone and estrogen. This does not mean that the production of these hormones is turned off. In fact, testosterone production in calorie-restricted 70-year-old Okinawan males is much higher than in 70-year-old American males, following a standard Western diet.  For more about how the CR Way preserves youthful levels of hormone production, become a member of and visit Sexy Aging/Preserving Healthful Hormone Levels in the Long, Healthy Life section.

For more about calorie restriction and hormones see:  Slowing Growth – Slowing Aging

So what should women do who are wisely concerned about bone loss and decreased mental functioning because they are no longer producing large amounts of estrogen? The CR Way has some ideas for women to prevent osteoporosis and improve mental function.  The forums and blogs are filled with suggestions about how to do this. You can access the forums by becoming a free Healthy Start member.  Make sure to visit the Bone Health and Getting Smarter forums.

Providing helpful suggestions for reduced hormone output is actually one of the reasons that we have such well developed Full Member sections for osteoporosis prevention and improving cognitive function.

Down-regulation of the cancer-preventing cellular sentry, p53, is an important consideration for calorie-restricted women who are thinking about taking estrogen. It makes sense for a calorie-restricted body to down-regulate p53 production since cell mutations that lead to cancer are less likely. However, the sudden influx of an anabolic hormone like estrogen in calorie restrictors might surprise off-guard p53-driven cellular defenses that kill mutant cells, making the possibility of cancer more likely. Note that this is speculation. As far as we know, no studies have been done on this.

If you have a high heritable risk for breast cancer, also see the following posts in the LivingTheCRWay forums.

Flax Seed and Soy Alter estrogen Metabolism

Grapefruit Juice Lowers Estrogen Production




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