CR Way Produces Younger Genetic Profile


For the first time in history we have confirmation that long-term serious calorie restriction slows aging at the cellular level in human beings. Dr. Luigi Fontana’s marvelous new paper:  Calorie Restriction in Humans Inhibits the PI3K/AKT Pathway and Induces a Younger Transcription Profile. You can read the full paper on the latest blog on

The paper proves the mantra of LivingTheCRWay: that successful calorie restriction downregulates the Insulin/IGF-1 pathway while upregulating AMP kinase, the molecule that steps in and provides energy availability to cells, when calories are low.

This cell signaling pattern produces the extraordinary benefits on which CR WayTM foods and meal plans are based:

  • Easy maintenance of a healthful weight – and weight loss, if needed
  • Lower body fat – reducing risk of disease
  • Protection from cardiovascular disease
  • Lower blood pressure – both systolic and diastolic
  • Lower LDL Cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Less plaque formation and reversal of plaque accumulation
  • Protection against cancer
  • Protection from diabetes and reduction of diabetes severity
  • Less inflammation
  • Reduced severity of autoimmune diseases
  • Improved cognitive functions:  better memory, improved learning skills
  • More effective DNA repair and maintenance
  • Preservation and healthy activation of adult stem cells
  • More energy


Paul McGlothin, Meredith Averill. “The Profound Benefits of a Low Calorie, ‘Glucose Control’ Diet,” in The CR Way to Great Glucose Control  (e-book), NY: The CR Way Longevity Center. 2011-2013, p. 10


We began participating in this research back in 2002 and helped get it started. Read more under the Calorie Restriction Society Research Project 

This initiated a process of discovery that revealed some of the clinical markers that now make up the CR Way biomarkers included in the NutriBase CR Way Longer Life Edition software.

Testing these biomarkers is one of the most accurate ways for humans to judge the effectiveness of their CR lifestyle.

The new Fontana paper states:

These results indicate that humans share with other species, such as lab rats, similar transcriptional responses to CR that are typically associated with improved health and survival. However, this association does not imply causation for increased longevity. In summary, transcriptional patterns of CR humans suggest that CR may retard the aging process by shifting cellular metabolism from growth to maintenance and repair activities. A molecular trigger for this shift may be the downregulation of the IGF/Insulin/FOXO signaling pathway, a result that connects our findings to  those obtained through genetic manipulation of aging in worms, fruit flies and rodents. (Kenyon et al. 1993; van Heemst et al. 2005; Kennedy et al. 2007; Piper & Bartke 2008).

Certainly association does not imply causation: This aspect of calorie restriction will be looked at by the new study: DNA HACR. For more see How fast are you aging and what you can do about it.

For those who want to look to the future for the reasons why CR causes aging to be extended, consider this blog post:  Calorie Restriction, the CR Way is a Stem Cell Diet.

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