Tag Archives: CR Society

Reversing Age-Related Decline

We are often seen in media reports, showing people how to start a healthy low-calorie diet, which we welcome as part of our mission. But for those who want the best chance to be part of a Utopian future, we have some important news: The opportunity to reverse or slow many age-related declines that are… read more

CR Society and CR Way Holiday Party at Andy’s Pure Foods Restaurant

For years we have held CR holiday parties in the New York area. We welcome members of the CR Society and of LivingTheCRWay, folks who are just introducing themselves to CR, and others who are just curious. Sometimes the get-togethers are at the CR Way Longevity Center . Other times we meet at a CR-friendly… read more

LivingTheCRWay.com Introduces Calorie Restriction Diet for a Healthful Weight Loss – a New, Friendly Approach to Calorie Restriction

Livingthecrway.com announces the CR Way Healthful Weight Loss membership, a science-validated approach to calorie restriction for losing weight. Benefits include delicious, easy-to-prepare calorie restriction diet plans that help reduce comfort food cravings. Healthful Weight Loss members become part of a holistic community of people who give live, caring, and knowledgeable support. Scientific Validation In the… read more

CR Society – CR Way Summer Celebration Success

What an extraordinary celebration on Sunday! Thanks to so many of you who came from near and far to join the gathering. It seems that everyone who attended had a success story to tell. Even before many guests said hello, you could see their success just by their terrifically healthy-looking bodies. To make sure everyone… read more