Tag Archives: glucose brain

The Lack of New Diabetes Drugs Makes Glucose Management Even More Important

Recently, Bristol-Myers Squibb announced that it was getting out of the diabetes drug business. Following that announcement, Takeda Pharmaceuticals – which had high hopes of launching their new diabetes drug Fasiglifam – had to drop it because of liver toxicity problems. Precious few new diabetes drugs appear to be in the pipeline because the FDA… read more

Improve Cognition with Calorie Restriction and Blood Sugar Management

As people age, they often experience memory loss, reduced concentration, and other cognitive problems. Diet and lifestyle, though, can improve cognitive performance and reverse some aspects of brain aging. Consider the world chess champion – chess genius, Viswanathan Anand, who in November will defend, his title against the highest rated player in chess history, Magnus… read more

Brain Training Combined with Daily Intermittent Fasting Improves Cognition

Known for giving very sharp, lucid interviews, the late Walter Breuning at 114 was the oldest man in the world. He followed a Daily Intermittent Fasting plan, eating a large breakfast, smaller lunch and then fasting until the next morning. His eating plan resonates with Brain Booster members of LivingTheCRWay.com, who find that some time… read more

Benefits of Calorie Restriction Enhanced by Nitric Oxide and Lower Blood Glucose, Say Researchers from The CR Way

Scientifically validated ways to lower blood pressure, enhance cognition, and improve glucose management – especially in type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes are components of the new, cutting-edge CR WayTM approach to calorie restriction.   “Following a calorie-restriction diet has always produced excellent results,” says Paul McGlothin, president of the LivingTheCRWay.com and vice president of research… read more